Sunday, December 24, 2006

Corticosteroid Induced Osteopenia

Last October of 2006, I had a bone density scan of my lower spine, left hip and left wrist because I have been on a Flovent (a corticosteroid) for the last ten years for my COPD and bronchiectasis.

Last December, my GP told me that the bone density scan showed my bones were thin and I was at moderate risk for bone breakage!

My GP then prescibed Didrocal medicine! I take one tablet with a glass of water every evening before going to bed!

My respirologist warned me 8 yrs ago that one side effect of 250 mcg of Flovent was osteoporosis! I will start this calcium therapy treatment next Monday, Dec 26, 2006.
All I can say now it was a good thing that I had a bone density scan.